About Postnatal Support Network

The Postnatal Support Network (PSN) addresses the importance of a well-prepared and relaxing 40-day postnatal period. It is an international organisation with a non-medical and social network, informing families-to-be about this special and delicate time after birth. PSN coordinates the demand and response of trained support. It provides training for those interested in becoming postnatal ‘helpers’ – carers who can give holistic support during the postnatal period. The network also functions as a platform for sharing personal birth stories. Our network does not replace the need and care for professional medical psychological help.

Our work is based on three pillars:

Postnatal Support Network is partly made possible by the Yogi Tea Foundation.

    • Raising awareness within families about the relevance and impact of 40 days rest and bonding for mother, baby, families and societies.
    • Raising awareness of potential PN sevadars about the essence and relevance of selfless service.
    • Raising awareness of birth professionals about the necessity and impact of help during the 40 days; the need to prepare families for well organised 40 days PN period suiting their personal needs.
    • Providing families information and practical tools to organise their 40 day PN time tailored to their personal needs.
    • Set up extensive international training program for PN sevadars amongst 3HO family and beyond. The training gives theoretical and practical knowledge of why and how to serve the mother and family.
    • Creating communication platforms with national PSN coordinators networking with (local) birth professionals and sharing Knowledge and information.

    Providing a platform for the offering & requests for support between families and PSN sevadars via a web based service. The website will have an online tool with rich sources of information, guidelines, a forum and extra training for the sevadar.


    With a growing interest and offering of birth and post-partum trainings, teachers and initiatives, we realize it is important to be transparent about our background and resources for postnatal support. Our work is deeply rooted in Ayurveda and the teachings of Kundalini yoga Our organization’s founders Satya Kaur and Gurujagat Kaur were part of the first group of Western women who received and gave help during the first weeks after birth. Many years and studies on women’s health later, they joined together to initiate this network. Satya Kaur also brings her experience as a midwife.
    Our principle of holistic, nonmedical support for mothers is not exclusively derived from the Kundalini Yoga tradition. Many traditions include a form of exclusion from daily activities with community support during the first weeks after birth. Our knowledge of healing foods, conscious attitude and communication, together with other healing techniques is inspired by many spiritual teachings, thinkers, birth professionals and mothers. We acknowledge other traditions and are thankful for their initiatives. We trust that our Network will inspire a bigger movement towards happy mothers, partners, children and societies.
    To become a member of our network, you do not need to be trained on postnatal care. We are an open platform for people who feel strongly about supporting mothers and families. Please join us today, for €2 per month.

    We are also a network for Postnatal Doulas – no matter whether trained by us or by others – and we aim at connecting families in search of a Postnatal doula to accompany them. In our Directory you can find the list of Postnatal Doulas who are part of our Network.

    Board Members

    Gurujagat Kaur

    Gurujagat Kaur

    Co-Founder and Board member

    (based in France)

    Ingrid Bal / Charankamal Kaur

    Ingrid Bal / Charankamal Kaur

    Chair of the Board

    (based in the Netherlands)

    Satya Kaur

    Satya Kaur

    Co-Founder and Board member

    (based in Portugal)

    Ekaterina Cupelin / Beant Devi Kaur

    Ekaterina Cupelin / Beant Devi Kaur

    Managing Director

    (based in France)

    Simona Giancola

    Simona Giancola

    Board Member

    (based in the Netherlands)

    Elsa Martineau

    Elsa Martineau

    International Coordinator

    (based in France)

    Janya Barbara Cottavoz

    Janya Barbara Cottavoz

    Board Secretary

    Eng Que

    Eng Que


    (based in the Netherlands)

    International Trainers

    Gurujagat Kaur

    Gurujagat Kaur

    Co-Founder and Board member

    (based in France)

    Ingrid Bal / Charankamal Kaur

    Ingrid Bal / Charankamal Kaur

    Chair of the Board

    (based in the Netherlands)

    Satya Kaur

    Satya Kaur

    Co-Founder and Board member

    (based in Portugal)

    Country coordinators

    Yanitsa Karamarkova

    Yanitsa Karamarkova

    Coordinator for Bulgaria


    I am a mother of 2 and also birth and post-partum doula, lactation consultant, yoni steam facilitator for birth and post-partum, currently certifying as childbirth educator and part of Association of Bulgarian doulas. I’m very passionate about women’s journey to motherhood, my own mission is to help them have their empowered birth. I support women and their partners during pregnancy through birth and into their post-partum period.

    Vesela Genadieva

    Vesela Genadieva

    Coordinator for Bulgaria



    Hello, my name is Vessy, and I am a mother of 2 boys. I am passionate about maternal wellness during pregnancy, labour and post-partum. I am a birth and post-partum doula, lactation consultant, and currently certifying as a Birth Healing Expert. I am also part of the Association of Bulgarian doulas. My deep desire is to support mothers and help them create a new culture that allows them to thrive and self-actualize during post-partum.

    Sofiya Henrietta Angelina Bonde

    Sofiya Henrietta Angelina Bonde

    Coordinator for Denmark


    Kundalini yoga teacher for pregnancy and post-partum, doula,
    anthropologist, mother and bonus mother. As my own mother passed away
    only two weeks before I found out I was pregnant, I have experienced on
    first hand the importance of having care and support during pregnancy,
    labour and post-partum. As a doula, my ultimate purpose is to provide
    care and support for the woman and her partner in this transformational
    time and guide her towards her own inner power and knowledge.

    Jai Mandeva Kaur

    Jai Mandeva Kaur

    Coordinator for UK


    Jai Mandeva Kaur is a professional Maternity Nurse/Neonatal Nanny and qualified Kundalini yoga and Gong sound teacher. Trained as a Postnatal doula. She is also a Postnatal doula Coordinator in London (Please, get in touch if you are a doula or a new mum and live in London! 

    She likes to offer: cooking, massage, yoga, meditation, pranayam, yoni steam, belly binding, closing of the bones, post-partum care to help new mums to navigate the stressful early days of parenthood.

    Pauline Dubromez

    Pauline Dubromez

    Coordinator for France

    I am a doula and a mother since 2019, and becoming a Doula was one of the best decision of my life.
    I left my job in Engineering to take care of mothers, women and babies, at each step of the life. On my way, I travelled between HypnoBirthing, Postpartum Doula with PSN, prenatal and postnatal Dance, counselling and person-centered help as a Doula, Baby carrying, Instinct breastfeeding and Rebozo practices.
    I am helping MOTHERS to go through their motherhood by changing their mindset. 
    I am helping WOMEN at all times of their life to go through their difficulties by changing their mindset and by taking care of their body as during motherhood.
    I am helping DOULAS before and after their training, to go through their retraining and be successful, aligned, confident and intrepid : the world needs doulas.
    Agnieszka Bera

    Agnieszka Bera

    Danish Coordinator


    Kundalini yoga teacher, pregnancy and postnatal yoga
    teacher, doula and mother. She works for women and couples, preparing them for a conscious pregnancy and childbirth and post-partum time.

    Catherine Rodriguez

    Catherine Rodriguez

    Coordinator for Dominican Republic


    Cath Rodriguez is a Birth and Postnatal Doula, and Certified as Breastfeeding and Baby Led Weaning Counsellor. She offers support to local mothers, focused on self-care and rest. Since 2015, she has offered support and guidance through her social media networks, being a reference in the post-partum care of mothers, which is very little valued in her native country: the Dominican Republic, since the traditions and post-partum rituals that were practised once, have been lost.

    Her vision is to revive these traditions of post-partum care for  mothers living in her country, by providing techniques such as traditional  cooking, massage, yoni steam, belly binding, closing of the bones, post-partum care, breastfeeding support and in home post-partum support to help  them and promote self-care, bonding with baby and rest during their 40-day recovery time and beyond.

    Ingrid Bal / Charankamal Kaur

    Ingrid Bal / Charankamal Kaur

    Coordinator for Netherlands

    charankamalkaur@ingrid.bal.com  www.ingridbal.com 

    Kundalini yoga teacher, post-natal doula, PSN trainer and coordinator in the Netherlands. She gives training in post-partum care and yoga teacher training. Her experience and skills have been formed by being a mother of two boys, a yoga teacher and previously work as director of PSN. She is also a very passionate gardener.

    Milagros Virasoro

    Milagros Virasoro

    Coordinator for Portugal

    Since my daughter was born, my life has been shaken and since then I started to turn all my work into motherhood. I’m a Kundalini yoga teacher and I give regular classes of prenatal yoga & postnatal yoga. I am also a postpartum doula and a doula of pregnancy loss & miscarriage.
    I am one of the founders of Seed of Life, a program to prepare couples for birth & postpartum here in Lisbon. We also provide ceremonies and meetings with moms in the park.
    I’m part of the team of the Mothers Journey Teacher Training.
    “El Milagro de la Luna”, is my recent project, an online program in Spanish of pre & postnatal yoga.
    As you see there’s something very special and treasured about this life cycle that I’m honoured and I love.

    Catherine Tuchschmid

    Catherine Tuchschmid

    Coordinator for Switzerland

    As a yoga teacher, yoga-doula and massage therapist, trained in postnatal support, Catherine is happy to offer her presence and support to mothers and couples during this beautiful and intense period of becoming and being a parent, and to accompany them in welcoming their child on our planet Earth. Catherine lives Vucherens, a small village between Lausanne and Moudon. She is the mother of a 9-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy.

    Magalie Beantpal Kaur

    Magalie Beantpal Kaur

    Coordinator for Switzerland

    I am Swiss, living in a small village near Geneva. I am the mother of a 3-year old boy and the wife of a Colombian man. I spend most of my energy for our family and now I am opening more space for teaching Kundalini Yoga, offering Doula services, teaching women about menstrual cycles and being involved in PSN as a coordinator. Being part of PSN makes sense to me and fills my soul. I hope the Swiss network will grow as flowers with lots of colours!

    Patsy Gormley-Steele / Sat Prakash Kaur

    Patsy Gormley-Steele / Sat Prakash Kaur

    Coordinator for UK


    Sat Prakash (Patsy Gormley-Steele) is the third eldest of nine siblings and growing up in London was a family effort with grandparents living next door who played an important role in raising the younger family members. This naturally continued on into her own adulthood as she continued to support sisters in raising their children including household jobs like cooking and cleaning. After training as a Kundalini
    Yoga teacher in 2008, she was blessed to train with Satya Kaur on ‘The Mothers Journey’ and was invited to join the Post Natal Support Network in supporting women during their first 40-day journey as a mother. She is a mother to a 10-year-old son and continues to enjoy supporting women in the Steiner School Community as well as home school parents and friends living in Norfolk.

    Contact our National Coordinators




    Vesela Genadieva



    Yanitsa Karamarkova



    Agnieszka Bera



    Sofiya H. Angelina Bonde



    Pauline Dubromez



    Ingrid Bal



    Milagros Virasoro



    Catherine Tuchschmid



    Magalie Beantpal Kaur



    Patsy Gormley-Steele



    The Postnatal Support Network (PSN) addresses the importance of a well-prepared and relaxing 40 day postnatal period. It is an international organisation with a non-medical and social network, informing families and especially mothers about this special and delicate time after birth.