Mothering the Mother 10 – 12 september 2021, Leuven, Belgie of Online Deze driedaagse training is bedoeld voor iedereen (man en vrouw) die gemotiveert is om het verschil te maken voor jonge gezinnen, bijvoorbeeld doula’s, kraamverzorgenden,...
Satya Kaur, PSN’s Founding Mother, Lead Trainer, and Kundalini Yoga Teacher, shares with you a beautiful audio guided relaxation for new mothers. Music by Deva Premal. Take a quiet moment, turn off the internet, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and...
We are very grateful to Simona Giancola who worked as Director of PSN since the beginning of the year and through insecurity and world crisis, and we wish her the very best in her journey into motherhood. We are excited to announce that a few weeks ago Beant Devi has...
Hearts full of joy, we introduce a new rubric to our newsletter and blog: postpARTum! Here the Postnatal Support Network invites artists to share their art inspired by the idea of Mothering the Newborn Mother and the universe of postpartum experiences. Today we...
We checked with a few newborn mothers to compile a list of essential items for the new mother. Of course, this list will be very personal and depend on each unique situation, but we share with you some basics that would make your post-partum time more peaceful and...