After birth, it takes the new mother around 6 weeks to heal from the intensity of labour, and also to get familiar with her new role as mother. How can you support her with accessible and deeply meaningful gifts during this 4th trimester?

Gift ideas to new mom to be

It takes nine months for the body to become fully pregnant, and it takes around nine months (at least) to fully recover from the pregnancy. This recovery starts by observing six weeks of maximum rest. Keep in mind that this time for recovery will impact the body and emotional state in the long run.

The most meaningful and impactful gift is your support and love!

Gift ideas for new moms – and dads

  • Comfortable pyjamas or/and home-wear made of natural fibre that considers breastfeeding,
  • Nice earrings that can be worn in bed,
  • Freshly prepared postpartum meal: please consider our food guidelines and the family’s preferences,
  • A walk-the-dog service and/or babysitting time,
  • A baby shower after the 6 weeks postpartum incubation,
  • A donation for a postpartum massage or closing ritual,
  • Donation for a cleaning lady.

Looking for more Postpartum gift ideas?

Our Postpartum Plan gives parents inspiration and practical guidance on how to prepare themselves for postpartum in the first 40 days after birth.

It includes questions to answer, partner talking topics, visualization excerzise, personal assignments such as making your food requirement guidelines and personal postpartum giftlist. The printable 40 day planning sheet is added to help tracking appointments during your first 40 day journey.

Note: by purchasing the plan, you also support our charity and contribute to the postpartum (r)evolution ! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿงก

Gift ideas to new mom to be