Join visionaries of birth and the post-partum to explore the sensitive topic of vulnerability during the immediate postnatal period of the first 40 days and beyond. Each talk will be simultaneously translated in English and French. Click on each speaker to access her bio.
The times are in Central European Time. To convert to your time zone, you can click here.
March 18
18:00 Inauguration; presentation of the Research Summit and PSN
18:30-20:00 Presentations and sharing circle of participants
March 19
8:00-8:45 Postnatal Yoga and Meditation with Sitha Siri Brahm Kirin
9:00-10:00 Erika Kokkosis Midwife, MSc, Breastfeeding Educator
Supporting a refugee mother postnatally in theory and in practice:
talking the truth inside an interview
10:00-11:00 Ingrid Bal Charan Kamal Postnatal Doula, Kundalini Yoga Teacher,
PSN Chair & Lead Trainer
Workshop Living vulnerability: Power and Sacrifice
11:00-12:30 Noémie Faure-Nguyen Perinatal Psychologist
Devenir parents : une vulnérabilité psychique nécessaire ?
Comprendre les mécanismes de la santé mentale périnatale chez les mères et les pères
[Becoming parents: a necessary psychological vulnerability?
Understanding the mechanisms of perinatal mental health in mothers and fathers]
14:00-16:00 Ingrid BayotMidwife, researcher, lecturer, writer
Mama Sapiens ou : comment les conditions d’apparition de notre espèce nous éclairent sur les besoins des nouvelles mères
[Mama Sapiens or: how the conditions of the appearance of our species shed light on the needs of new mothers]
16:00-17:00 Discussion groups
17:00-18:00 Christine Eck Founder of the Center for Sacred Window Studies,
Birth and Postpartum Doula
Vulnerability into Empowerment: Transforming guilt and fear to honor the sacred
March 20
8:00-8:45 Postnatal Yoga and Meditation with Solene Satya Dasjeet Kaur
9:00-10:00 Céline Chadelat Journalist, author
Le Mois d’Or, un changement de paradigme
[The Month of Gold: a Paradigm Shift]
10-11:30 Robin Lim Midwife, writer, CNN Hero
Becoming a Mother in the Era of Change and Challenges (Bali time 17-18:30)
11:30-12:30 Marie Mahe-Poulin Psychologist, rebozo practitioner, author
Le Mois d’Or, accueillir notre vulnérabilité et réveiller notre puissance
[The Month of Gold: Welcome our Vulnerability and Awaken our Power]
14:00-15:00 Camille Laperle Founder of Maternité Sacrée, Trainer, Ritualist of life passages
Vulnérabilité et humilité pour les nouveaux parents – Cultiver l’attitude de l’élève, de l’apprenant
[Vulnerability and Humility for the New Parents – Cultivating the Attitude of the Student, the Learner]
15:00-16:00 Atelier “Postnatal Manifesto” Geremia Bouquet Doul’Artist
16:00-17:00 Lesley Everest Doula, Trainer, Reverend, Facilitator
Soothing the Postpartum Nervous System
17:00-18:00 Naoli Vinaver Mexican Midwife, Speaker, Educator
The Power of Postpartum Openness and Vulnerability and the Mexican Postpartum Ritual
18:00-19:00 Closing circle
Event Facebook: https://fb.me/e/YIpxFxyM
All PSN Members benefit from discounted priceand we also set up a scholarship fund. Please reach out if you need financial aid to be able to attend!
LIVE TICKET included:
- Access to the entire Summit March 18-20, 2022
- Participation in all talks, workshops and circles
- Simultaneous interpretation (English to French and vice versa)
- Live interaction with the speakers
- 2-week replay of all videos
- Includes all options from LIVE, and:
- 3-month access to replay all videos
- 1-year professional membership of the Postnatal Support Network
- Listing in PSN’s online Postnatal Doula Directory for 1 year
- Access to mentorship meetings each 6 weeks
- 3-month access to replay all videos