The Postnatal Support Network organises Helpers training all over Europe. This training gives both ancient and contemporary knowledge and practical techniques on the 40-day recovery time.
The training includes the following subjects:
- Why postnatal support
- Principles of a 40 day resting period
- Physiology of the postnatal mother and child
- Cooking and recipes
- Other techniques such as postnatal rituals, bed sharing, massage
and baby bundling. - The Postnatal Service, the attitude and what kind of support.
This training is set up for anyone who is interested in making an important difference in the life of young families. Health workers, doulas, yoga teachers, grandmothers and young women who are inspired to learn more about the techniques and would like to serve in a dedicated way and has considerable time and flexibility.
The basic training takes two or three 3 days and is organised all over Europe. You will be asked to do a minimum of 40 hours postnatal service with a family close to your home. Included in your training fee, you will receive a manual and one year membership of our network.
We have a few upcoming trainings in 2021.
- 22-24 May and 5 June 2021, Vevey, Switzerland (Magali Beantpal,
- 11-13 June, 2021, Engen, Germany (Ingrid Bal,
- 9, 16, 32, 30 September, 7, 14, 21 October 2021, Global Online Training for Busy Professionals (Beant Devi Kaur,
- 10-12 September, Leuven, Belgium (Ingrid Bal,
- 23 – 25 October 2021, Paris, France (Laurelene Chambovet,
If interested, please get in touch with the local organizers. Looking forward to experiencing a new insight on how to mother mothers with you!
Or you can participate in the Postnatal Support module from our partnering trainings The Mother’s Journey with Satya Kaur or Yoga Doula School with Gurujagat Kaur
Keep an eye at our pages on Facebook and LinkedIn for updates and news!